Have you ever heard or used the phrase “Whats yours is mine and whats mine is yours?” Well, in some relationships this isn't how things really are. Some relationships operate on the premise of "Whats your is mine and whats mine is mine." This type of thinking is one of the root causes for many of the financial problems that couples are facing in relationships. Many people in relationships adapt the idea “I work hard for my money so I do with it as I please.” However, not telling your partner what you do with your money is what some refer to as financial infidelity.
These days, some couples share everything but their money and what they do with it. These couples usually have an idea about each other’s financial situation and based on that they divide bills around the house. It is not uncommon to see couples decide who pays the light bill, mortgage or rent, groceries and any other number of bills and living expenses, without ever really knowing each other’s salary. This is where problems tend to begin and along with them, the idea that one partner in the relationship should take care of the financial needs of the household. We want one partner to use THEIR money to pay for most bills, since they are “the bread winner.” And the other partner, wants to use their own money to do whatever they want with it.This situation is an equation for inequality and for other problems in a relationship.
In an ideal situation partners in a relationship should have a joined bank account. There should be an awareness of each other’s salary and of where the money is going. People, don’t be oblivious to the fact that money is an important part of every relationship. When appropriate, don’t be afraid to talk about money, especially when considering marriage.
A wise man once said that relationships are dependent on 4 C’s..: Communication, Commitment, Compromise, and Currency. All are equally important to the success of a relationship.
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