This article is written for the men, but just because it was doesn't mean that the ideas aren't great for both parents. They are and in this world where both parents work or the wife works and there is a stay at home dad, these ideas are critical for both parents.
Back in your grandparent’s time, a man was just expected to bring home the bacon and was excused from being too hands on in the child rearing department. Today’s men are expected not only to be a provider, but also a highly involved parent. These two demands can burn out even the strongest of men. Here are a few suggestions on how to be a corporate warrior and a super dad at the same time.
Have family dinner. Studies have shown children from families that have meals together do better in school and are less likely to get involved with drugs. Make it home each evening to have dinner with your family. If this means getting to work extra early in the morning, so be it. If you can get home early enough, cook dinner with your kids. At mealtime, ask about what’s going on in your kid’s life. Pose questions designed to stimulate genuine discussion.
Leave work at work. Obviously, this is not always going to be possible; sometimes you’ll need to continue your work at home. But during dinnertime, bath time, story time, and any other time in which you are focusing on your kids, turn off the cell phone and Blackberry.
Take each kid out once a month for dad time. Each month, set aside a “date night” for each kid. Take them out individually and do something they enjoy. It’s a great way to get one-on-one time with each kid and ensure that jealously between sibling’s remains in check.
Limit work on weekends and holidays. Devote your time off from work to your family. Sure, you’ll have to spend time doing chores and running errands to get ready for the next week, but try to get your children involved with those tasks. Six hands pulling weeds are better than two.
Use your vacation. Many American workers are taking less and less of their vacation time. Don’t be one of these people. Use your two weeks and take your family to Disneyland or on a camping adventure in a National Park. Don’t bring along your laptop or Blackberry. Or just make it a staycation, meaning stay at home and focus on the family, again keep the laptop and blackberry off. Family vacations will be some of your kids’ best childhood memories. Don’t deny them these experiences by being a work-a-holic.
Schedule a weekly Family Night. Make this a non-negotiable date, and schedule all other activities around it. Some ideas for family night are you could possibly play board games, watch a video, or go out and get some ice cream.
Tuck your kids in bed and read them a book. Bedtime routines aren’t just for young toddlers and babies. Even when your kid gets older, make it a tradition to read with them. You can move on from “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” to “Treasure Island” as they grow up. This will help build priceless memories with your children.
Don’t forget the Mrs. While the focus of this article is about balancing work with your kids, make sure to focus time on your wife, too. One piece of advice that I hear over and over again from people is if you want to be a good father, then be an awesome husband. Call a babysitter, and take your wife out on a date. Make time every day to talk to each other. Right before bed when the kids are asleep is a good time. And don’t let work or being a dad get in the way of your sex life with your wife.
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